This covers the return of keys, deposit, and other information to help you move forward. We will return the deposit after checking the property within ten working days of the departure date in line with UK Government guidance (but typically sooner).


This document provides guidelines in order that there are no misunderstandings regarding the departure from the property and your responsibilities.

We will be doing an inspection after you have moved out and returned the keys to establish what kind of condition the property has been left in. We take a detailed digital inventory prior to every tenancy so naturally any damage to the property will have to be repaired. If the presentation and cleanliness of the property has to be corrected then we will be instructing our cleaners and tradesmen accordingly. We would much prefer if it doesn’t come to this and that you leave the property clean and tidy. However if it does go the other way we will be contacting the TDS – to make a claim against your deposit.

If you get the place to a satisfactory level then there will be no necessity for us to send a tradesman in to repair any damage.

Likewise with the cleaning of the property. If you clean the property properly then you will not incur a charge of professional cleaners.

If the carpets are stained then we will have to have them professionally cleaned.


Please make sure that all your keys are returned to our office on 73 Broadway Market by midday of your move out date.

GroupCreated with Sketch.


Once you’ve handed the property over, we don’t allow return visits and do charge for outstanding items, so please run any concerns (ie – damage or blemishes you may be held accountable for) past us while we still have time to take a view

Contract / Responsibility

You are jointly liable for the condition of the entire property. If only one person is responsible for leaving their room in a state or with broken furniture, the amount is deducted from the entire deposit. So it's in your best interests to encourage each other to return the property in the correct condition.

Also I would like you to forward me account details for ONE account (account number and sort code) so that we can immediately return your deposit if everything is satisfactory.

Again, please remember that if you tackle the items I have pointed out and leave the property in suitable condition we will be delighted to return your deposit. That is our intention.

New Tenant

Check our guide to help new tenants prepare to move into their new home

Changing a Tenant

All about change of tenant within an existing tenancy